Saturday, September 25, 2004
Yard sales and dog tales
Our homeowners association sponsored a neighborhood yard sale today. We dug up some things we realized we don't need and set them on our make-shift table in the front yard. I made $23! It's not much, but the way I look at it, people paid me to haul off my junk! We will haul off whatever is left and donate it to the Salvation Army. A 3-year old Chinese girl named Molly came to our sale with her mother. That was a special treat for Brett and me. It seems like we are seeing more and more families with Chinese children, or maybe we are just more observant since we started the adoption process.
I spent the proceeds from today's yard sale at Huey's. We took Brett's nephew Mat and his girlfriend Shelly out to lunch for coming down from St. Charles, Missouri and fixing our ailing computer and printer. Mat brought Cletus, his dachshund-lab mix. He looks a lot like our dog Orion, except he is short and long! The hounds had a great time, digging up the yard, terrorizing the cat, biting each other's ears... and so did we! (have a good time that is, not the digging, terrorizing and biting!)
I spent the proceeds from today's yard sale at Huey's. We took Brett's nephew Mat and his girlfriend Shelly out to lunch for coming down from St. Charles, Missouri and fixing our ailing computer and printer. Mat brought Cletus, his dachshund-lab mix. He looks a lot like our dog Orion, except he is short and long! The hounds had a great time, digging up the yard, terrorizing the cat, biting each other's ears... and so did we! (have a good time that is, not the digging, terrorizing and biting!)
Monday, September 20, 2004
A colorful world (or at least 154 Harbor Creek Drive)
We started the daunting project of painting our dining room/living room this weekend. Our house has 18 foot ceilings in the living room and the first floor is open, so, needless to say, it is going to be difficult. We decided to paint in "steps" rather than do the entire thing in one weekend (which, even if we never slept, I don't think we could do). The hallway to the master bedroom and back door is Crunch Granola. This is also what we will paint the big wall with the picture window. The other walls, the staircase and the upstairs will be painted Mark Twain Oak House. So for the next few weekends, ours will be a colorful world! Then we tackle the baby's room. That will be Spun Honey to match the Classic Pooh bedding!
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Ivan the Terrible
My heart goes out to all of the people who live along the Gulf coast affected by Hurricane Ivan. As some of you know, I lived in Alabama for three years, and although Montgomery was three hours inland, I spent a lot of time in Gulf Shores, Orange Beach and Destin, Florida. Even Montgomery and south central Alabama will be a mess from flooding, tornadoes, down power lines, etc. I lived through Hurricane Georges, which wasn't much. I missed Opal by two years, but heard many stories about its effects. So, to all of my friends in Montgomery and throughout Alabama... stay safe (especially my friends at WSFA) and God Bless.
Saturday, September 11, 2004
A great night out...
Brett and I are trying to get in things that we might not easily be able to do in a few months. Last night we went to an event called "Art on Tap" at the Dixon Gallery and Gardens. It was very fun. For $20, you received a little glass at the door, and were able to walk around and sample dozens of different beers. Brett was in heaven! He caught up with some of his fellow Bluff City Brewers. There was barbecue there (of course) to eat, as well. So we sipped brown ale and India pale ale as we wandered past Monets and Renoirs (this is quite an impressive museum). It was the best of both worlds for us! And a great preview of our trip out west at the end of the month for the Great American Beer Festival in Denver.
Wednesday, September 08, 2004
This is Annabelle Kathryn. Congratulations to our friends Maggie and Chip Miller who will travel to get her in early November.

The stork has arrived!
The CCAA (Chinese Center of Adoption Affairs) sent out referrals today for families with DTC (dossier to China) dates of February 27 + 28 and March 2004. That means some families received their referrals in as little as 5 1/2 months!!! At this pace, we should get our referral in early March! A special congrats to out friends Chip and Maggie Miller, who we met through Families with Children from China. They received their referral for a beautiful baby girl today. Annabelle is 7 1/2 months old. They should travel to get her in early November and be back in time to celebrate Thanksgiving! Now that's something to be thankful for! Congrats to the Millers on their new addition!
Monday, September 06, 2004
Share the experience...
Here are a couple of stories that share the experience of Chinese adoption... enjoy!
From China, with Love
Family Opens its Home to Another Child
From China, with Love
Family Opens its Home to Another Child
Sunday, September 05, 2004
Babies, babies everywhere!
One week ago today, our neighbor Libby gave birth to Olivia Hamilton. (Congrats to Libby and Aaron!) I was fortunate enough to hold her when she was just four days old! Brett's niece Jascha is having a boy in October. So is Brett's nephew's wife, Stephanie. We just returned from a weekend in Vandalia, Illinois where Brett's sisters and I threw Jascha a shower. During our visit, we played with Brett's great-niece, Grace, who is almost two. Is it just me, or does it seem like everyone is having babies these days?? Maybe I'm just more attuned to it. It's hard to imagine, but in seven to nine months from now, Brett and I will be parents, too! We cannot wait!!!