Saturday, September 25, 2004

Yard sales and dog tales

Our homeowners association sponsored a neighborhood yard sale today. We dug up some things we realized we don't need and set them on our make-shift table in the front yard. I made $23! It's not much, but the way I look at it, people paid me to haul off my junk! We will haul off whatever is left and donate it to the Salvation Army. A 3-year old Chinese girl named Molly came to our sale with her mother. That was a special treat for Brett and me. It seems like we are seeing more and more families with Chinese children, or maybe we are just more observant since we started the adoption process.

I spent the proceeds from today's yard sale at Huey's. We took Brett's nephew Mat and his girlfriend Shelly out to lunch for coming down from St. Charles, Missouri and fixing our ailing computer and printer. Mat brought Cletus, his dachshund-lab mix. He looks a lot like our dog Orion, except he is short and long! The hounds had a great time, digging up the yard, terrorizing the cat, biting each other's ears... and so did we! (have a good time that is, not the digging, terrorizing and biting!)

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