Monday, August 22, 2005

The head of her class!

Hallie started "school" today. Well, it's day care, but they teach the children Spanish and they have a very structured schedule, so I like to think of it as school.

Anyway, she had a great time. She got to the class (called Little Fishes--12 to 24 months) and went right for the play kitchen (girl after my own heart). I walked up to her and said I was leaving, and she just looked at me, gave me the plastic grapes she had in her hand, I gave them back, and she went on and played. The teachers told me she would be fine, and kindly encouraged me to leave. I knew she would be OK, but it was still hard to leave my baby all day. Brett picked her up at 3:45 this afternoon and the teachers had good reports. They said she was very attentive on the first day, but didn't eat much. I guess she will get used to their food and they will get used to Hallie wanting to feed herself. Also she napped from 11:45 until 1:05, which is pretty good. I wonder what she did the rest of the hour and a half? (Nap time ends at 2:30.) And I'd like to know their secrets for getting the kids to sleep so fast!

Here are some more updates:
  • Hallie can point to her belly, nose and toes when asked.
  • She will point to mommy and daddy. She pants when we say "what does the doggy (or Buddy) say?" This is her way of imitating Orion.
  • She points to pictures of pandas, monkeys, and bananas when asked.
  • This past weekend, while I was a sneezy, snotty, allergy mess, she grabbed a tissue out of the box and acted like she was blowing her nose--just like mommy! As you can see, this girl is amazing!

She's not speaking real words yet (in any language) but she talks all of the time. And she is totally comprehending what we say. We think she is a genius, but don't all parents say that about their kids???

Monday, August 15, 2005

My first taste of ice cream. This stuff is cold, but isn't too bad! Posted by Picasa

Mommy is feeding me ice cream at the party Saturday night. Posted by Picasa

Hallie update -- 3 months since Gotcha Day!

Hello everyone. I know that it has been a while, but we've been very busy keeping an eye on Hallie. Now that she can walk, we must watch her every second! She gets into everything. But, I guess that is good because she is curious and wants to learn about new things. Also, it has been brought to my attention that we are posting more on Hallie Yahoo Group site than on this site. Well, that's because it is easier to post pictures there. But, I will make a greater effort to continue to update our family and friends here, too.

Two weekends ago we went to Toledo, Ohio to visit my family. We stayed at my parents' house. My sister Megan, and her husband Steve were home visiting from Germany. Baby Sophia was born in January. Steve is in the US Army and they are stationed in Germany. We went up for a reunion with them and the rest of my extended family. It was a blast. In usual Zunk tradition, there were several parties which included lots of food and beer and wine and music! I think everyone had a good time. It was so nice to see everyone, especially all of my cousins who are also new moms. Everyone loved Hallie, and she didn't disappoint! She kissed everyone, blew kisses, ran around the yard, loved the swing, fed the fish in Grandpa's pond, danced and laughed. And she wasn't too shy around all of the new people.

Brett went out of last weekend on his annual canoe trip to Missouri, so it was a girls only weekend! Saturday morning, one of my friends threw a brunch for Hallie and me. It was very nice. Hallie behaved very well, and thanks to the quick hands of one of the guests, she didn't break the glass hurricane lamp on the coffee table! Later that evening, we went to a party for new FCC families. There were about 5 children there, two of whom just returned within the past week. Hallie had fun playing with the other children, and enjoyed the ice cream and cookies. She is developing a sweet tooth!

This week my parents are back in town, which is a huge help as they are watching Hallie while we wait for day care to start. Hallie's first day is next Monday. I'm not sure who will cry more, she or I?

Can you all believe Hallie was placed into our arms three months ago tomorrow?? It seems like she has been with us forever, and at time I have to remind myself that we are still getting to know one another.

Please check back to this site, as I promise to post more often about the adventures of life with Hallie Donnals!

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