Monday, August 22, 2005

The head of her class!

Hallie started "school" today. Well, it's day care, but they teach the children Spanish and they have a very structured schedule, so I like to think of it as school.

Anyway, she had a great time. She got to the class (called Little Fishes--12 to 24 months) and went right for the play kitchen (girl after my own heart). I walked up to her and said I was leaving, and she just looked at me, gave me the plastic grapes she had in her hand, I gave them back, and she went on and played. The teachers told me she would be fine, and kindly encouraged me to leave. I knew she would be OK, but it was still hard to leave my baby all day. Brett picked her up at 3:45 this afternoon and the teachers had good reports. They said she was very attentive on the first day, but didn't eat much. I guess she will get used to their food and they will get used to Hallie wanting to feed herself. Also she napped from 11:45 until 1:05, which is pretty good. I wonder what she did the rest of the hour and a half? (Nap time ends at 2:30.) And I'd like to know their secrets for getting the kids to sleep so fast!

Here are some more updates:
  • Hallie can point to her belly, nose and toes when asked.
  • She will point to mommy and daddy. She pants when we say "what does the doggy (or Buddy) say?" This is her way of imitating Orion.
  • She points to pictures of pandas, monkeys, and bananas when asked.
  • This past weekend, while I was a sneezy, snotty, allergy mess, she grabbed a tissue out of the box and acted like she was blowing her nose--just like mommy! As you can see, this girl is amazing!

She's not speaking real words yet (in any language) but she talks all of the time. And she is totally comprehending what we say. We think she is a genius, but don't all parents say that about their kids???

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