Saturday, January 29, 2005

"Classic Pooh" crisis averted!

A few posts back, I talked about my shock and near hysteria over the fact that Target was discontinuing its "Classic Pooh" line of nursery gear. Last weekend I saw a clearance sign and near-empty shelves in the "Classic Pooh" display in the infant section. I bought up everything I could because I didn't want a half-decorated room for Hallie.

Well, I don't know if it was some sick joke or a clever marketing ploy, but today on my weekly trip to Target, the Pooh section was COMPLETELY STOCKED, all of the clearance signs were gone, and there was even some NEW Pooh merchandise! Target really shouldn't play with expectant mothers' emotions like that.

I did buy a comforter set for the full bed that is still in the room (in case mom or dad needs to sleep up there). And I couldn't resist a cute pair of Pooh overalls and a Pooh sweater--both on clearance. (These were winter/fall items so I wasn't worried that they were on clearance, just glad!). Last week I bought a pair of denim overalls and a cute shirt for Hallie, but as I was looking at it tonight, I think is supposed to be for a boy! Oh well, she'll have two pairs of overalls. (We are in the South, after all!)

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