Sunday, January 01, 2006
2006? Could it really be? Time sure does fly

I can hardly believe I am sitting here typing this message as our beautiful baby girl is asleep in the other room. Yes, we had a wonderfully blessed 2005! Hallie Lin Hua came into our lives. Although she was in our hearts for months, we were officially united on May 16, 2005 in Nanning, GuangXi Province, China. She has been home with us for nearly eight months. It doesn't seem possible. These past several months have flown by and each day we experience something new with Hallie. When we first met, she was just 13 months old. She had short hair, could not walk nor talk, and just seemed a little frightened, although she always laughed, even from day one.
Now, she is 20 months old, runs AND walks, wears her hair in pigtails, talks all of the time (although you can't always understand her) and still laughs every day. She is fun-loving, and though we feel she is hitting her "terrible twos" a little early, is fairly easy-going.
Here is to 2006, with more experiences and more memories to make with our dear Hallie!