Sunday, December 24, 2006
Check out our NEW BLOG for Donnals Family updates
When Brett and I started this blog, we were in the waiting-phase in the process of adopting Hallie. She has been home with us for more than a year-and-a-half so we felt it was time to start a new blog that was about all the things in our lives as a family, not just the adoption. We hope you will check our our new Donnal's Family blog for regular updates on our lives. I promise to post more frequently (in fact, it's one of my New Year's resolutions). Thanks for reading and have a Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
First Family Day (aka "Gotcha Day")

Hallie turned two on April 28th. We had a "princess" birthday party for her here in Memphis. Some of her little friends and their parents came. My parents were here from Ohio and my sister, Megan, and her baby, Sophia, were visiting from Germany where they live, so it was perfect. Hallie had a blast. The kids had too much fun with bubbles, sidewalk chalk, balls, the slide and a pinata. Well, Brett had to actually break it because none of the kids was strong enough. But they sure scooped up that candy! Hallie blew out her candles a

Earlier in the month, we celebrated her birthday at Grandma Bonnie's in Illinois. Aunt Lin got her a Winnie the Pooh cake then, and of course, she loved it! She also got an umbrella, which she thinks is the coolest thing ever, and a Disney Princess puzzle. She can name all of princesses! So as you can see, we made up for not being able to celebrate her birthday last year with two parties this year!
Hallie LOVES day care, or school, as we call it. And, really, it is. She goes to the Foreign Language Immersion Child Care Center where her teachers speak nothing but Spanish. It is amazing how much Spanish she has picked up. She does speak English at home and all of a sudden she talks ALL OF THE TIME! But I love to hear her talk. She is even putting words together to make sentences. But, back to school. She looks forward most every day to going. She can name all of her friends, and hugs all of them when she leaves every night. her teachers love her,

She loves to watch this show on Disney Channel called "Little Einsteins." It's made by the Baby Einstein people so it's all about art, music and geography. It could literally keep her entertained for hours. It is a lifesaver every morning since I have to get her ready and myself ready without Brett here (he's still on the morning show, going to work at 4 a.m.) But we try to limit her TV watching to that and Sesame Street--still a classic!
My parents got Hallie a tricycle for Christmas. She likes to ride it, but still can't reach the pedals, so I end up pushing her. They also got her a wagon for her birthday and she is very into wagon rides. She also likes to spend time drawing and coloring. She holds a crayon or marker like an adult and makes very precise strokes. She can even draw what sort of looks like a heart when you ask her to do so.

Hallie is very healthy. She is in the 25th percentile for weight and is between the 25th and 50th percentiles for height. (Which means she is petite, but healthy.) She's still wearing 18 month size clothes--occasionally 12 month size--but the pants and shirt sleeves are too getting too short. She does, however, have a tendency to have febrile seizures when she has fever. She has had two now: one in January and one just two weeks ago. The first time was extremely scary. The second time was frightening, but Brett and I expected it and we knew what to do. The doctors say the seizures are purely fever-related and do not affect her brain. It is not a sign of Epilepsy. It is a hereditary condition and is something she should outgrow by age 6. Last week, she had another high fever (104.1), but Brett and I were able to get it down without a seizure occuring. What a relief. How scary to see your child helpless like that.
Well, I could go on and on and on. Hallie has grown so much and changes so much over the past year--it is truly amazing! It is hard to believe she is the same little baby that came to us with tears streaming down her face one year ago today. She couldn't walk and couldn't talk..and now look at her..playing, dancing, singing, coloring, talking on the phone to Grandma and PaPa and Grandma Bonnie. She is truly a blessing and the greatest thing in our lives.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
At home with Hallie

Quite a scare
The new year has brought some new parenting experiences to our lives. This past week, we had quite a scare. Hallie had a runny nose and cough and fever on Tuesday. I kept her home from day care, although I didn't take her to the doctor. I had been running to the doctor every time she had a runny nose and the doctor always tells me it is just a cold, to give her over-the-counter medicine for the symptoms. She felt warm all day Tuesday, so I gave her Children's Tylenol throughout the day. Our ear-thermometer wasn't working properly (I don't think it ever has) so I never got a real temperature on her, but she felt very warm. I gave her a tepid bath, and finally got her down about 9 p.m. I was going to take her to the doctor first thing the Wednesday morning. Hallie woke us up crying at 10 p.m. Brett went up to ease her back to sleep. About 2 minutes later, he was yelling for me to get up...I ran into the living room and Hallie was in Brett's arms, eyes rolled back, convulsing! Her arms and legs were arched back and she was jerking so violently. Brett and I were in complete panic. I grabbed the phone and called 911 while Brett held her. While on the phone with 911, the seizure stopped, but she would not open her eyes and was unresponsive. The 911 operator told me to put her on her side, so Brett laid her on the couch and Hallie just moaned. She never stopped breathing. By the time the paramedics were here she was coming to. They took her temp and it was 103.9. They took Hallie and me by ambulance to LeBonheur Children's Medical Center, and Brett followed in the car. I was so upset since didn't take her to the doctor that morning, but the EMT said it wasn't my fault. They got her temp down in the ER.
Hallie had what is called a febrile seizure. It is caused in babies and young children when there is a sudden spike in their temperature. Apparently, this is hereditary, but not uncommon. She may have had one before we adopted her, but it was not in her health report. Now there is a 30% chance that she will have another seizure before she is 6. We were instructed to take her temp rectally from now on and if she is over 100.3, start Motrin immediately to try to prevent the seizure from happening.
I cannot describe for you how scary this was. Brett and I both were in tears. I was hysterical when the ambulance couldn't find our house (I was running down the street to flag them down--I'm sure that was a site in my pajamas!) We felt so helpless, like there was nothing we could do--and really there wasn't. The doc said if she has another seizure to lie her on a rug or carpet on the floor and just let her go and to never stick anything in her mouth. We need to make sure her head is turned to the side.
Five days have passed and Hallie is doing much better. She is on antibiotics for an ear infection (the cause of the fever). She is back to her normal, playful self. She is dancing, playing, laughing, and acting silly. She even went back to "school" on Friday, and Mommy went back to work. We're looking forward to a normal week, with no trips to the ER!
Hallie had what is called a febrile seizure. It is caused in babies and young children when there is a sudden spike in their temperature. Apparently, this is hereditary, but not uncommon. She may have had one before we adopted her, but it was not in her health report. Now there is a 30% chance that she will have another seizure before she is 6. We were instructed to take her temp rectally from now on and if she is over 100.3, start Motrin immediately to try to prevent the seizure from happening.
I cannot describe for you how scary this was. Brett and I both were in tears. I was hysterical when the ambulance couldn't find our house (I was running down the street to flag them down--I'm sure that was a site in my pajamas!) We felt so helpless, like there was nothing we could do--and really there wasn't. The doc said if she has another seizure to lie her on a rug or carpet on the floor and just let her go and to never stick anything in her mouth. We need to make sure her head is turned to the side.
Five days have passed and Hallie is doing much better. She is on antibiotics for an ear infection (the cause of the fever). She is back to her normal, playful self. She is dancing, playing, laughing, and acting silly. She even went back to "school" on Friday, and Mommy went back to work. We're looking forward to a normal week, with no trips to the ER!
Sunday, January 01, 2006
2006? Could it really be? Time sure does fly

I can hardly believe I am sitting here typing this message as our beautiful baby girl is asleep in the other room. Yes, we had a wonderfully blessed 2005! Hallie Lin Hua came into our lives. Although she was in our hearts for months, we were officially united on May 16, 2005 in Nanning, GuangXi Province, China. She has been home with us for nearly eight months. It doesn't seem possible. These past several months have flown by and each day we experience something new with Hallie. When we first met, she was just 13 months old. She had short hair, could not walk nor talk, and just seemed a little frightened, although she always laughed, even from day one.
Now, she is 20 months old, runs AND walks, wears her hair in pigtails, talks all of the time (although you can't always understand her) and still laughs every day. She is fun-loving, and though we feel she is hitting her "terrible twos" a little early, is fairly easy-going.
Here is to 2006, with more experiences and more memories to make with our dear Hallie!
Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Who IS this guy, and why do they want my picture taken with him? Hallie meets Santa Claus for the first time. December 2005.

What a year!
No, you're not dreaming. For those of you who check back to see if I've updated this blog, well I have! It only took two and a half months, but here I am. Hallie has kept us VERY busy. In fact, I rarely have time to get on the computer at home. Most of my emails are sent from work (I hope my boss isn't reading this!).
I'll try to update you on the last quarter of 2005 in the Donnals household:
Hallie is changing everyday. Her hair is getting longer (I can now put it one or two little pigtails on top of her head). She is now 22 pounds and 34 inches tall. She is speaking more and more. She still babbles a lot, but can clearly say "mommy, daddy, Hallie, mine (not our favorite), good night, bye, hi." She repeats us all of the time. And she imitates us, too. She is getting very independent. She wants to walk up the stairs now without holding my hand! She completely feeds herself and even tries to dress herself! She is growing up right in front of our eyes.
Brett is still working the dreaded 4 am - 12:30 pm shift. Although most days the later is more like 1:30 or 2. This means he goes to bed around 7 each weekday night and is up and out the door by 3:45 each morning. That means I usually give Hallie her bath at night and get her up and ready for school each morning. Brett is such a trooper, he often stays up late to get her in the tub for me, and I know he is exhausted. I have figured out how to get her ready, get myself ready, feed the dog, feed the cat, make myself a cup of coffee to go and have her to school by 8:30 each morning for breakfast. It's not easy, but I have to give a big thank you to WKNO (public television) and Sesame Street! It's on from 7-8 am and it saves me every morning by keeping Hallie occupied. My boss has been extremely wonderful and understanding. I've only had to take off one day so far because Hallie has been sick (pink eye).
In October, we attended our second big FCC Memphis event, the Harvest Moon Festival. It was at a family's farm in Moscow, Tennessee. It was so much fun. Dozens of families came out to celebrate this Chinese holiday (although it is technically in September). There was a bonfire and hayrides. The children could pet horses and made Chinese lanterns. There was great food and fellowship with other families with Chinese kids. Hallie had a blast. In late October, we made another visit to Brett's mother's home in Vandalia, Illinois. The occasion was a Donnals family portrait. I mean the ENTIRE Donnals family (Brett has four sisters and one brother, ten nieces and nephews, and five great nieces and nephews!). It was great to see his family. It is important to us that Hallie gets to spend as much time with her extended family as possible, which is sometimes difficult since we live so far away from everyone. I think Hallie enjoyed Halloween. She dressed up as a ladybug. We got her a pumpkin for trick or treating and she managed to get in a few houses on the street before crying. My boss had a party that night and, of course, Hallie was a hit with the crowd.
In November, I took advantage of being a government employee and traveled with Hallie up to Ohio for the Veterans Day weekend. We spent four days with my parents and my brother. Hallie had a lot of fun, and got to see her two little cousins, Kaylee and Matthew, for the second time. One day, my mom and I took Hallie to the mall and out to eat. We had a fun "girl's day out." On Saturday, we went to The Toledo Zoo with my parents. Once again, it's nice to be with my family. For Hallie's first Thanksgiving, we cooked a turkey and all the fixins. But she liked the macaroni and cheese best. Hallie and I ventured down to the new outdoor mall (it's a southern thing) in Southaven, Mississippi the day after Thanksgiving. I figured she needed to learn all of our holiday traditions--even the crazy ones.
Hallie helped us put up the Christmas tree in early December. I am happy to report that only one ornament was broken. I think she thought it was a ball, so she threw it across the room. Of course, it shattered into a million little glass pieces, but hey, it's not the holidays until something gets broken. After that, she really wasn't interested in the tree. She would look at it occasionally, as say "pretty," but never touched it. She got to see Santa in person on three different occasions, saving the best for last. The first two were at stores, so we didn't get very close to St. Nick. She would wave, even blew him a kiss, but once he got within 20 feet, she started to whimper. The third time, he was a special guest at a breakfast at our church. Brett had his camera with him, Hallie was dressed in her Christmas dress, so it was the perfect opportunity. She completely freaked out! She was screaming and crying and shaking so hard, I couldn't give her to him. We did get a picture, though, that I will take out and show her boyfriend someday! We headed to Brett's family home again for Christmas Eve. Hallie was showered in gifts, and was very excited. After a whirlwind weekend in Vandalia, we drove back to Memphis on Christmas Day. Santa knew we wouldn't be here, so he came to our house on Christmas night. Hallie woke up on December 26th to a living room filled with presents! She had a wonderful day, and so did we, as we watched her open gift after gift. She got a slide for the backyard, an Elmo that says her name, puzzles, two Little People play sets, and a tricycle (from Grandma and Grandpa Zunk). The weather was nice, so we played outside and inside all day.
Well, that is it for now. My New Year's resolution is to update this blog more often and to share all of the joy Hallie is bringing into our lives.
I'll try to update you on the last quarter of 2005 in the Donnals household:
Hallie is changing everyday. Her hair is getting longer (I can now put it one or two little pigtails on top of her head). She is now 22 pounds and 34 inches tall. She is speaking more and more. She still babbles a lot, but can clearly say "mommy, daddy, Hallie, mine (not our favorite), good night, bye, hi." She repeats us all of the time. And she imitates us, too. She is getting very independent. She wants to walk up the stairs now without holding my hand! She completely feeds herself and even tries to dress herself! She is growing up right in front of our eyes.
Brett is still working the dreaded 4 am - 12:30 pm shift. Although most days the later is more like 1:30 or 2. This means he goes to bed around 7 each weekday night and is up and out the door by 3:45 each morning. That means I usually give Hallie her bath at night and get her up and ready for school each morning. Brett is such a trooper, he often stays up late to get her in the tub for me, and I know he is exhausted. I have figured out how to get her ready, get myself ready, feed the dog, feed the cat, make myself a cup of coffee to go and have her to school by 8:30 each morning for breakfast. It's not easy, but I have to give a big thank you to WKNO (public television) and Sesame Street! It's on from 7-8 am and it saves me every morning by keeping Hallie occupied. My boss has been extremely wonderful and understanding. I've only had to take off one day so far because Hallie has been sick (pink eye).
In October, we attended our second big FCC Memphis event, the Harvest Moon Festival. It was at a family's farm in Moscow, Tennessee. It was so much fun. Dozens of families came out to celebrate this Chinese holiday (although it is technically in September). There was a bonfire and hayrides. The children could pet horses and made Chinese lanterns. There was great food and fellowship with other families with Chinese kids. Hallie had a blast. In late October, we made another visit to Brett's mother's home in Vandalia, Illinois. The occasion was a Donnals family portrait. I mean the ENTIRE Donnals family (Brett has four sisters and one brother, ten nieces and nephews, and five great nieces and nephews!). It was great to see his family. It is important to us that Hallie gets to spend as much time with her extended family as possible, which is sometimes difficult since we live so far away from everyone. I think Hallie enjoyed Halloween. She dressed up as a ladybug. We got her a pumpkin for trick or treating and she managed to get in a few houses on the street before crying. My boss had a party that night and, of course, Hallie was a hit with the crowd.
In November, I took advantage of being a government employee and traveled with Hallie up to Ohio for the Veterans Day weekend. We spent four days with my parents and my brother. Hallie had a lot of fun, and got to see her two little cousins, Kaylee and Matthew, for the second time. One day, my mom and I took Hallie to the mall and out to eat. We had a fun "girl's day out." On Saturday, we went to The Toledo Zoo with my parents. Once again, it's nice to be with my family. For Hallie's first Thanksgiving, we cooked a turkey and all the fixins. But she liked the macaroni and cheese best. Hallie and I ventured down to the new outdoor mall (it's a southern thing) in Southaven, Mississippi the day after Thanksgiving. I figured she needed to learn all of our holiday traditions--even the crazy ones.
Hallie helped us put up the Christmas tree in early December. I am happy to report that only one ornament was broken. I think she thought it was a ball, so she threw it across the room. Of course, it shattered into a million little glass pieces, but hey, it's not the holidays until something gets broken. After that, she really wasn't interested in the tree. She would look at it occasionally, as say "pretty," but never touched it. She got to see Santa in person on three different occasions, saving the best for last. The first two were at stores, so we didn't get very close to St. Nick. She would wave, even blew him a kiss, but once he got within 20 feet, she started to whimper. The third time, he was a special guest at a breakfast at our church. Brett had his camera with him, Hallie was dressed in her Christmas dress, so it was the perfect opportunity. She completely freaked out! She was screaming and crying and shaking so hard, I couldn't give her to him. We did get a picture, though, that I will take out and show her boyfriend someday! We headed to Brett's family home again for Christmas Eve. Hallie was showered in gifts, and was very excited. After a whirlwind weekend in Vandalia, we drove back to Memphis on Christmas Day. Santa knew we wouldn't be here, so he came to our house on Christmas night. Hallie woke up on December 26th to a living room filled with presents! She had a wonderful day, and so did we, as we watched her open gift after gift. She got a slide for the backyard, an Elmo that says her name, puzzles, two Little People play sets, and a tricycle (from Grandma and Grandpa Zunk). The weather was nice, so we played outside and inside all day.
Well, that is it for now. My New Year's resolution is to update this blog more often and to share all of the joy Hallie is bringing into our lives.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Nearly four months!
That's how long is has been since Hallie was placed into our arms for the first time. It seems like much longer than that. I mean that in a good way, as if she has been part of our family since she was born.
I think she has said her first word. It's not "Mama" or "Dada," but "sock." Every morning and every night when I dress her or put on her pajamas, I show her each piece of clothing and say what it is. "Shoe. Shirt. Sock." Well, the other night, she repeated, "sock." I was shocked! She is so smart!
We visited the Memphis Zoo Sunday. It was such a nice day. Hallie really enjoys the zoo and points to all of the animals. She especially liked the sea lions that gave us quite a show. She laughed when they made that loud barking noise. She recognizes the pandas, monkeys, lions and elephants. She also got a kick out of the giraffes--one came very close to us and she starting screaming!
Hallie is eating very well now. She eats almost anything you put in front of her. Her favorites are still sweet potatoes, mac and cheese, and ravioli. She is drinking from straws now and I am trying to wean her from her bottle, but that's been difficult. She is off formula and is drinking whole milk. She still does not drink juice, just water and milk, but the doctor says that is good!
Day care is going great! She loves FLICC! Every morning now she walks in and hugs her teachers. They are very impressed with Hallie as well. They think she already understands what they are saying (they speak to the children in Spanish). And she loves her Happi-Nappi. It's like a sleeping bag in which they use to take naps. We bring it home every Friday to wash it over the weekend and she likes to lay on it and take naps in it at home too!
Brett and I are doing well, too. Brett had a kidney stone removed Friday. It was the same one that caused him so much pain a week before we left for China. It never passed, so the doctor had to remove it. It was not much fun for him. He had a painful weekend. But he's a trooper and Hallie and me to the zoo anyway.
Well, that's about all for now. I posted some new pictures from this past weekend below. Enjoy and watch for more updates soon.
I think she has said her first word. It's not "Mama" or "Dada," but "sock." Every morning and every night when I dress her or put on her pajamas, I show her each piece of clothing and say what it is. "Shoe. Shirt. Sock." Well, the other night, she repeated, "sock." I was shocked! She is so smart!
We visited the Memphis Zoo Sunday. It was such a nice day. Hallie really enjoys the zoo and points to all of the animals. She especially liked the sea lions that gave us quite a show. She laughed when they made that loud barking noise. She recognizes the pandas, monkeys, lions and elephants. She also got a kick out of the giraffes--one came very close to us and she starting screaming!
Hallie is eating very well now. She eats almost anything you put in front of her. Her favorites are still sweet potatoes, mac and cheese, and ravioli. She is drinking from straws now and I am trying to wean her from her bottle, but that's been difficult. She is off formula and is drinking whole milk. She still does not drink juice, just water and milk, but the doctor says that is good!
Day care is going great! She loves FLICC! Every morning now she walks in and hugs her teachers. They are very impressed with Hallie as well. They think she already understands what they are saying (they speak to the children in Spanish). And she loves her Happi-Nappi. It's like a sleeping bag in which they use to take naps. We bring it home every Friday to wash it over the weekend and she likes to lay on it and take naps in it at home too!
Brett and I are doing well, too. Brett had a kidney stone removed Friday. It was the same one that caused him so much pain a week before we left for China. It never passed, so the doctor had to remove it. It was not much fun for him. He had a painful weekend. But he's a trooper and Hallie and me to the zoo anyway.
Well, that's about all for now. I posted some new pictures from this past weekend below. Enjoy and watch for more updates soon.